The Save the Kids Podcast

Save The Kids Ep. 85: Peaceful Parenting with Michelle Kenney

Save the Kids Season 2 Episode 34

-    I talk a lot about how we can help our kids on here.  Especially when it comes to online safety and preparing them and helping them be reseilinet in this tech heavy world.  But this episode today is more for US parents. You see, we as parents tend to be angry disciplinarians.  Especially as our kids start to grow an attitude.  But we don’t realize how our reactions are impacting our kids and their ability to talk to us. My guest today is all about helping us to connect with our kids instead of being their dictator, and boy do we need her help! 

 My guest today is Michelle Kenney.  She’s a former "yeller", recovering "perfectionist", and reformed "control freak". She helps help parents find more calm and peace at home in a modern, demanding and hectic world. She helps parents move away from yelling threats and move towards meaningful connection. She’s been on countless news channels educating everyone and I am so honored to have her here today!

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